Sunday, January 29, 2012

she travels outside of karma

yoga training #4
Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained
by cultivating friendliness toward the happy,
compassion for the unhappy,
delight in the virtuous,
and indifference toward the wicked.

-Patanjali, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

hi all- i'm trying to catch up on my yoga blogging, which, side note, i might start referring to as 'yogging', but actually, wait, no. that reminds me too much of ron burgundy ("Veronica and I are trying this new fad called uh, jogging. I believe it's jogging or yogging- it might be a soft j. I'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild."). so yea, i wont be calling this yogging. too confusing for anchorman fans...anywho- bear with me as i recap with a few key points from training numero cuatro.

we learned about kriyas (pronounced kree-yuhz) which are automatic movements, vocalizations or actions that are part of the process of kundalini or clearing the karma held in the energy body....using a simple urge to put the body into yoga postures, or, as my teacher referred to it, heat building poses. If you've ever done one of these, you know how fun they can be- you get to 1. grunt really loudly, and 2. well, i just really like the grunting part...

my teacher also suggested we purchase these two books to help with our practice:
Bhagarad Gita
Anatomy of Hatha Yoga

bhagarad gita is about the history and creation of yoga and it is just lovely. the anatomy of hatha yoga is just confusing. but i know it will help with my teaching, especially if a student approaches me some day and is all "hey yoga lady, my neck hurts and i wish you could make it stop", and then i can be all "i totally can help you because i read this super confusing but amazing anatomy book and i know the perfect pose for this type of predicament...". see that? that's karma, baby.

my super cool, monsterific yoga notebook


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Anonymous said...

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