Thursday, August 16, 2012

droppin' bombs on 'em

(my wanderlust journey, parts 2 & 3 are still in the works, but here's a little diddy to hold you over)

so a few months ago, while aimlessly wandering around my place of work, i decided to spontaneously mount my co-workers desk and assume the position of 8-limbs, in all it's arm balance glory.

because my co-worker, judy, is totally awesome and completely used to my randomness, she scooped up her phone and took this pic:

after my graceful dismount, she promptly asked "now what was that all about?" and i said "i dunno- just felt like yoga-bombing your desk". not really sure where that came from, but i immediately loved the idea of "yoga-bombing" in random places, on furniture, out in public, everywhere! so we took this clever game with us to wanderlust and my mama and i yoga-bombed the heck outta that place. fields, concerts, markets... during breakfast, with our coffee, before bed... nothing was off limits.

i've talked to several people about it since and my yoga lover friends really dig it. in fact, they've started sending me photos of their yoga-bombs and i love it! this is a pic of our friends geoff & jake on top of a waterfall, completely rocking bakasana and virabhadrasana 2, respectively.

a few friends and i went out on paddleboards last weekend and dropped bombs all over saratoga lake (that sounds weird but it still makes me happy). I'll show those photos in an upcoming post about my newest love, paddleboarding, and how i'm attempting to combine it with my first love, yoga, and my always love, joey. stay tuned!


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