the countdown begins!* we leave thursday and return to stratton mountain, VT, for our second time wandering and lusting.
i'm excited to not be a newbie. to return to this wonderful festival as a practicing yogi, a teacher with almost a full year under my belt, a person who has pushed her practice further than she ever thought she could. my mom and i will walk onto that mountain top with all of the confidence in the world, because this time, we will have a map. this time, we will have our schedules. and this year, we will know where to park :)
last year was definitely a learning experience, as most adventures tend to be. yoga wasn't the only challenging part- figuring out where to go, getting lost between classes, running from tent to tent so you could get your mat closer to Rolf Gates than the hundreds of other yogis- was all very overwhelming.
i'm excited to see my mom try new poses and find out how far she can push her own practice. to spend time just relaxing, talking, and trying new things with her.
i'm excited to be a wanderlust sophomore. i wont be as cocky as a junior or senior and walk around like i own the place, but i might just have the balls to strike up a conversation with a couple of teachers that inspire me, like Seane Corne and MC Yogi.
i'm nervous AND excited to take the amazing classes i got into this year. handstands? paddleboard yoga?!? YES PLEASE.
i promise lots of photos and a recap that puts last year's recap to shame. wanderlust or bust- here we come!
*technically, i've been counting down since the day we got back last year...
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